British Values
At St. Bernadette’s, we strive to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils in our school. The promotion of our fundamental British values is included in their SMSC development.
Within our School we have a strong ethos which is supported by effective relationships, prayer & liturgy and the provision of relevant activities beyond the classroom.
We are a Catholic School which encourages the respect and tolerance of all other faiths, races and cultures.
We expect all pupils to learn and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. Parents are aware of the School’s Mission Statement, ethos and the teaching which supports the rule of English civil and criminal law.
All staff are PREVENT trained and will challenge derogatory words and actions.
Examples of some of the actions that we take:
The following is not an exhaustive list, but provides a snap shot of some of the things we do:
- We ensure that all pupils have a voice that is listened to through our School Council, whose members are voted for by the children
- School rules are discussed with the children at the beginning of the school year
- Pupils are given key roles and responsibilities in school, such as our year 6 children wear a different coloured jumper to the rest of the school. This is to signify their role and responsibilities as ‘Buddies’ to the younger children
- The older children in the school take part in discussions and debates on a range of topics and vote on motions which arise from these
- Our Monday morning assemblies celebrate children’s achievements and hard work
- Circle times in the Foundation Stage give children the opportunity to discuss how to be a good friend and how to show respect to each other
- Children are encouraged to praise each other’s efforts and this is also modelled by the staff