E Safety Advice

Internet Safety at School.

Children at St Bernadette’s use the Internet on a regular basis as part of their learning.

All children and their parents must agree to our Internet Safety Policy and Safe Usage Policy which are available from the school office.

Our network Internet usage is filtered by the Local Authority to take sensible precautions in limiting children’s access to inappropriate sites. As no filtering system can ever be perfect, children are only able to access the Internet under close adult supervision.safe on the internet.safe-on-the-internet.png

Our children are taught not only to respect the Internet for all the great information that it can offer – it has become a vital tool for communication and information and is critical to your children’s development in today’s world, but we need to take sensible precautions to protect ourselves from harm.

To this end we only allow web-based searches to be carried out to support them in their learning. If children access anything that they are not happy with they should report this to a member of staff.

Internet Safety at Home.

Below are a list of Internet Safety Tips that we have taken from thinkUknow.co.uk  that we hope you will find useful:

  • Help your children to understand that they should never give out personal details to online friends they do not know offline.
  • Explain to your children what information about them is personal: i.e. email address, mobile number, school name, sports club, arrangements for meeting up with friends and any pictures or videos of themselves, their family or friends. Small pieces of information can easily be pieced together to form a comprehensive insight in to their lives and daily activities.
  • Make your children aware that they need to think carefully about the information and pictures they post on their profiles. Inform them that once published online, anyone can change or share these images of them.
  • It can be easy to forget that the internet is not a private space, and as result sometimes young people engage in risky behaviour online. Advise your children not to post any pictures, videos or information on their profiles, or in chat rooms, that they would not want a parent or carer to see.
    If your child receives spam or junk email and texts, remind them never to believe their contents, reply to them or use them.
  • It’s not a good idea for your child to open files that are from people they don’t know. They won’t know what they contain—it could be a virus, or worse – an inappropriate image or film.
  • Help your child to understand that some people lie online and that therefore it’s better to keep online mates online. They should never meet up with any strangers without an adult they trust.
  • Always keep communication open for a child to know that it’s never too late to tell someone if something makes them feel uncomfortable.


Our parents also have membership access of The National College where they can find advice, help sheets and webinars on a wide range of safeguarding areas.

 The following guides are also useful:

NSPCC Share Aware

Parent Guides










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Brinnington, Stockport,
Cheshire, SK5 8AR