A Message From Father Bill

St  Bernadette`s RC Church,

The Drive,

Brinnington SK3-5BQ

Mobile:  07929-446490

Email: fitzgerald123@btinternet.com

Dear Parents, Guardians.

I write to you as the Parish Priest of St Bernadette`s Parish, Brinnington. I am sure that you are familiar with St Bernadette`s RC Church next door to the school. The appointment of Parish Priest involves the “Pastoral Responsibility” for the Pupils, Staff and Parents / Guardians of St Bernadette`s Roman Catholic Primary School, regardless of race, culture, or religion. I will be visiting the school on a regular basis, but especially  in preparation for Special Celebrations such as the beginning and end of the Academic Year, along with the celebrations of Easter, Advent, Christmas, and other times when my presence is requested.

I have thirty seven years + experience of Chaplaincy and Governorship in Catholic Primary Schools and other Secondary Schools. I am also the vice-chair of St Bernadette`s Governing Body, as I wish  to concentrate on both my pastoral and governing role. I am a great believer that Church Schools such as St Bernadette`s add something very special to the educational experience your child is receiving. Education in a Catholic School, is not only about high achievement for your child, it is also about educating your child Physically, mentally and Spiritually for the whole of life`s journey that lies ahead.

For those children who are Baptised Catholic, the preparation for, and the celebration of the First Sacraments will be a religious high point for them, along with those of other  faiths and none who may wish to enrich their knowledge of God by sharing in the preparation. I am always available to speak to any Pupil, Parent /Guardian, member of Staff who requests Pastoral advice, please Phone me on the above Mobile No. Or contact me via the above e/mail. I am so glad you chose St Bernadette`s School for your child`s education, and I thank you for your continued support across all areas of school life.

Renewed Blessings and Gracious Thanks.

Fr Bill Fitzgerald.        (Parish Priest)









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Gorseway, Off Foliage Road,
Brinnington, Stockport,
Cheshire, SK5 8AR